
COVID-19: 上海で新たに輸入性確診患者3例 3月16日 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19: 上海で新たに輸入性確診患者3例 3月16日 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 03月17日 12:17 『 COVID-19: 上海で新たに輸入性確診患者3例 3月16日 

COVID-19: 上海で新たに輸入性確診患者3例 3月16日

人民网 sh.people.com.cn 2020-03-17 12:17 来源: 人民网 – 上海频道

人民網 上海 3月17日電 (龔 莎)
上海市衛生健康委員会は本日(17日): 3月16日 0時から24時までの間、口岸(宮本注: 『口岸』とは港や空港などの『開港地』という意味があります)での連合予防連合制御メカニズムを通じ、新型コロナウィルス肺炎の海外からの輸入性確診患者3例を報告。

3月14日、上海浦東国際空港に到着、 入国後、直ちに隔離観察になった。

3月12日、上海浦東国際空港に到着、 入国後即隔離観察に。


Shanghai announces information on 3 new imported confirmed cases on March 16

People’s Network sh.people.com.cn 2020-03-17 12:17 Source: People’s Network-Shanghai Channel

People’s Online Sea, March 17th (Gong Sha)
The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission announced today (17th): From 00:00 to 24:00 on March 16th, through the port joint prevention and joint control mechanism, three diagnosed cases of imported novel coronavrus pneumonia were reported.

Case 1 is from Jiangsu, China and lives in Spain. Departed from Barcelona, Spain on March 12, and arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on March 14 after transiting through Moscow, Russia. After entering the country, the case was isolated for medical observation. Symptoms appeared in the evening, being combined with epidemiological history, clinical symptoms, laboratory test results, and imaging tests, the case was diagnosed as the case.

Case 2 is from Zhejiang, China and lives in Italy. Departed from Milan, Italy on March 11, and arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on March 12, after transiting through Frankfurt, Germany. After entering the customs, the case was isolated for observation. Symptoms appeared on March 14 and the case was diagnosed as confirmed cases



人民网 sh.people.com.cn 2020-03-17 12:17 来源: 人民网 – 上海频道

人民网上海3月17日电 (龚 莎)



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20200317H COVID-19: 上海で新たに輸入性確診患者3例 3月16日(人民網)


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