
COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土1例 輸入5例増 計6例増 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土1例 輸入5例増 計6例増 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 09月01日 『 COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土1例 輸入5例増 計6例増 

COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土1例 輸入5例増 計6例増

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-09-01 來源: 疾病管制署


指揮センターは、「本日、新たに増えた国内症例1例(第16110号)は、60代の女性。他の確診症例への接触があったことから 衛生単位が在宅隔離としていたが、8月23日に鼻水やのどのいがらっぽさなどの症状が現れたが症状が軽く医療機関への受診はしていなかった; 8月31日に隔離期間満了前検査を受けたところ本日確診された(Ct値24)。患者は隔離期間中に他人とは接触していないため接触者リストは作成していない」と発表した。


指揮センターは、「最近隔離を解除された確診症例については、5月11日~ 8月30日迄に発表された14,792例中、既に13,692人が隔離を解除されており、確診患者総数の92.6%が隔離解除されたことになる」と指摘する。



COVID-19: Taiwan newly added 1 local case, 5 imported cases

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-09-01 Source: Disease Control Department

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced on Sept. 01 that there were 6 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Taiwan consisting of 1 local case and 5 imported cases. There was one (1) new death among the confirmed cases.

The command center stated that Today’s new local case (Case 16110) is a female in her 60s who has been in contact with other confirmed cases and the health unit arranged her to have home quarantine. She developed runny nose and itchy throat on August 23, but did not seek medical attention due to mild symptoms; The pre-quarantine inspection was carried out on August 31, and the diagnosis was confirmed today (Ct value 24). Since the case has no contact with others during the isolation period, no contacts were listed.

The command center explained that there was one new death case (case 9686) today, a male in his 60s with a history of chronic disease and contact history with other confirmed cases. He developed dyspnea, cough, fever and other symptoms on May 30. He sought medical examination and was hospitalized that day. He was diagnosed on June 3 and died on August 30.

The command center pointed out that as for the recently released diagnosed cases from isolation, 13,692 people have been released from quarantine, among 14,792 confirmed cases announced from May 11 to August 29. The number of people released from quarantine has reached 92.6% of the confirmed cases.

The command center stated that there were 5 new cases of immigration from abroad today. They entered the United



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-09-01 來源: 疾病管制署






【翻訳詳細全文 は 以下からどうぞ Please visit followings for further detail】

20210901D COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土1例 輸入5例増 計6例増(衛生福利部)

20210901F 台湾新規増加輸入症例5名のリスト


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