
COVID-19 台湾の輸入1例はホンジュラスから : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19 台湾の輸入1例はホンジュラスから : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 03月09日 『 COVID-19 台湾の輸入1例はホンジュラスから 

COVID-19 台湾の輸入1例はホンジュラスから

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-03-09 來源: 疾病管制署


指揮センターは、この患者は友人と2月21日に台湾に帰国しており、入国後は隔離ホテルで隔離を受けたが、期間中は全員無症状であった; 患者は、3月8日に隔離期間満了となり、仕事の必要性から、同日に病院に行き自費検査を行い、本日(Ct値は34、血清抗体IgMは陰性、IgGが陽性)確診されたとしている。

指揮センターは、既に患者と台湾に戻った友人1人を接触者として把握しているが、3月8日の隔離期間終了後の自費検査の結果が陰性であったこと; 子の友人と患者には濃厚接触がなかったことから、自主健康管理の対象としたと指摘している。

指揮センターの統計によれば、これまでに新型コロナウィルス肺炎に関する通報は、国内累計で177,886例(排除された176,442例を含む)となった。 そのうち確診症例数は977例であり、夫々輸入症例861例、本土症例77例、敦睦艦隊36例、航空機感染2例及び不明1例となっている; この他、症例番号530は、欠番となっている。 確診された患者中死亡者数は10例、932例が隔離を解除され、35人が入院隔離中で


1 new case of COVID-19 imported from abroad, entering from Honduras

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-03-09 Source: Disease Control Department

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (9) a new confirmed case of imported COVID-19 (Case 978), a Taiwanese female in her 30s. She went to work in Honduras in May 2019. She had nasal congestion in January this (2021). After COVID-19 was diagnosed there on January 6, she was isolated in her residence until February 19. During the quarantine period, the test was conducted on January 16, January 18, February 8, and February 17 respectively, and the results were all negative.

The command center stated that the case and her friends returned to Taiwan on February 21, and went to the epidemic prevention hotel for quarantine after entering the country. During the isolation period, they were asymptomatic; The quarantine period of the case expired on March 8. Due to work needs, she went to the hospital for examination at her own expense on the same day and was diagnosed today (Ct value 34, serum antibody IgM negative, IgG positive).

The command center pointed out that one person who had been in contact with the case was a friend who returned to Taiwan as a companion. After the quarantine period expired on March 8, the self-financed quarantine result was negative; because the friend had no close contact with the case, she was listed as an independent health management object.

According to the statistics of the command center, so far, there have been a total of 178,886 notifications related to novel coronavirus pneumonia in China (including 176,442 excluded cases). Among them, 977 cases were confirmed,



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-03-09 來源: 疾病管制署





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