医療保険により多くの心理治療計画が含まれる : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2023年12月27日 09:54:32 『 医療保険により多くの心理治療計画が含まれる 』
中青在线 news.cyol.com 2024-02-19 来源: 中国青年报
中国青年報・中国青年報記者:劉昶栄 旧暦12月29日となる2月8日、広西チワン族自治区梧州赤十字病院外来部の鍾燦主任は、春節前の最終日に当直をし、精神的な問題による慢性胃炎患者数人を受け入れた。
The National Medical Insurance Bureau responded to the suggestions of National People’s Congress deputies: More “psychological treatment” projects will be included in medical insurance
China Youth Online news.cyol.com 2024-02-19 Source: China Youth Daily
China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter: Liu Changrong On February 8, the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Zhong Can, director of the outpatient department of Wuzhou Red Cross Hospital in Guangxi, was on duty on the last day before the Spring Festival. As usual, she received several patients with chronic gastritis caused by psychological problems.
As a general practitioner, in recent years, Zhong Can has often encountered patients in need of psychological treatment in outpatient clinics, including many teenagers. In addition to chronic gastritis, these patients may also suffer from headaches, dizziness, insomnia and other problems. After Zhong Can got to know these patients in depth, he found that their depression or anxiety problems were obvious.
The problems Zhong Can encountered in the outpatient clinic were not isolated cases. The “China National Mental
中青在线 news.cyol.com 2024-02-19 来源: 中国青年报
中青报·中青网记者 刘昶荣
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