
台湾第4のサル痘輸入症例を確診 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

台湾第4のサル痘輸入症例を確診 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2022年 10月09日 『 台湾第4のサル痘輸入症例を確診  


衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-10-09 來源: 疾病管制署




Taiwan finds 4th confirmed case of “monkeypox” imported from abroad. We call on the public to take the initiative to inform airlines and airport and quarantine personnel if they have suspected symptoms, and seek medical attention ASAP

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-10-09 Source: Disease Control Department

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as CDC) announced today (Oct. 9) that Taiwan’s fourth confirmed case of monkeypox imported from abroad who is a male in his 40s in the south. He went to Canada in mid-September 2022, and then went to the United States. On September 28, he developed a rash on his body, and on September 30, he had a low-grade fever and chills. He went to Canada in mid-September 2022, and then went to the United States. On September 28, he developed a rash on his body, and on September 30, he had a low-grade fever and chills. When he entered Taiwan, he reported that he had the aforementioned symptoms, and was evacuated by the airport quarantine personnel for medical treatment. After being evaluated by a doctor, he was tested and reported. He was confirmed to be positive today and is currently being isolated and treated in the hospital; After the epidemic investigation, 8 low-risk contacts including medical care, quarantine and epidemic prevention personnel have been listed, and they have undergone health education and self-health monitoring for 21 days

The CDC explained that monkeypox was announced on June 23 this year as a second-class notifiable infectious disease. As of today, a total of 36 suspected cases have been reported, 4 confirmed cases were 



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-10-09 來源: 疾病管制署


疾管署說明,猴痘於今年6月23日公告為第二類法定傳染病,截至今日,累計通報疑似病例36例,4例確診均為境外移入(德國1例、美國3例),餘32例均排除。另自 6月30日起,該署將具有本土或不明感染源猴痘個案之97個國家旅遊疫情提升至「第二級:警示(Alert)」,國人若前往該些國家,應避免可能與不特定人

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