闘病90日以上 2018年広東省初の患者が退院へ! : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2018年05月19日 09:45 『 闘病90日以上 2018年広東省初の患者が退院へ! 』
闘病90日以上 2018年広東省初の患者が退院へ!
搜狐网 www.sohu.com 2018-05-19 09:45 来源: 南方网
本日午前、中山市人民医院リハビリテーション医学科の病棟で、本年全省初のH7N9鳥インフルエンザ患者の劉おばさん (FT#1622)が生死をかけた治療57日間、リハビリ治療40日以上ののちに退院に至った。中山市人民医院のICUや麻酔科、リハビリテーション医学科、心臓内科の医療スタッフたちがベッドサイドで劉さんと握手をし、劉さんと家族から医療スタッフに深い謝意を示すペナントが贈呈された。
(宮本注: 入院先病院名、患者の名が判明)
今年の02月03日、中山市のある町でニワトリを飼育していた劉さんに、咳の症状が現れた。 当初は普通の風邪だと思っていたが、7日間に二つの病院を受診していたところ、熱が高くなり、悪寒、呼吸困難が現れたため中山市ICUに転送された。 気管支肺胞の洗浄液検査により、劉さんのH7N9感染が確認され、本年広東省で報告された最初のH7N9患者となった。(発症日とニワトリ飼育という鳥類への暴露歴があることが判明)
More than 90 days of rescue + treatment, this year’s first case of H7N9 patients in the province to be discharged!
Sohu.com www.sohu.com 2018-05-19 09:45 Source: Southern Network
“Thank you for letting me return to life!”
This morning, in a ward of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department of Zhongshan People’s Hospital, Ms. Liu, the first patient of H7N9 avian influenza in the province (FT#1622) , was finally discharged after 57 days of life-and-death rescue treatment and more than 40 days of rehabilitation. The medical staff from ICU, Anesthesiology, Rehabilitation Medicine, and Cardiology of Zhongshan People’s Hospital shook hands with Ms. Liu, who was sitting on the side of the hospital bed. Ms. Liu and her family sent a banner to the medical staff to express their deep gratitude.
February 3 this year, Ms. Liu, who raised chicken in a certain town in Zhongshan City, developed symptoms of cough. Though she just thought it was just a common cold. Though she went to two hospitals within a week, she gradually developed symptoms of high fever, chills and difficulty in breathing. Accordingly she was sent to the ICU ward in Zhongshan City Hospital. Though the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid test showed that Ms. Liu’s infection with H7N9, thus she became the first case of H7N9 reported in this province this year.
Yuan Yong, director of Zhongshan People’s Hospital, personally took the lead, and vice president of business Jiang Haiming convened a meeting of the hospital’s expert group on avian flu prevention and control. All the leaders and core leaders of the ECMO Research Office, the Department of Medical Education, the Department of Critical Care, the Emergency ICU, the Surgical ICU, the Department of Respiratory Medicine, the Department of Preventive Health, and the Department of Hospital Infection and so on, participated in the discussion.
搜狐网 www.sohu.com 2018-05-19 09:45 来源: 南方网
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