エイズ予防治療に男女の区別なし :自分の健康第一 まずはエイズ検査から! : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年03月08日 16:00『 エイズ予防治療に男女の区別なし :自分の健康第一 まずはエイズ検査から! 』
衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-03-08 來源: 疾病管制署
AIDS prevention and treatment does not distinguish between genders. Cherish your own health and start with AIDS screening!
Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-03-08 Source: Department of Disease Control
The Department of Disease Control and Prevention stated today (March 8) that according to statistics from the Department, there were 941 new HIV infections in Taiwan last year (2023), of which 36 were women (4%). Although the number of female infected persons is relatively small, nearly half (47%) of female cases lack awareness of the risks of HIV infection, which is leading to delayed diagnosis, the rate of delayed diagnosis is higher among men (37%) who are already at the onset of AIDS when diagnosed. Modern women lead busy lives and play an indispensable role in the family, so they tend to neglect their health. On International Women’s Day, while expressing gratitude and respect, the
衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-03-08 來源: 疾病管制署
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